Jedi outcast custom resolution
Jedi outcast custom resolution

Sound: The generic Star Wars music, and generic Star Wars sound effects, nothing great nothing bad well done. The level design seems average, overall: good. Graphics: The Quake 3 engine sure looks good, the textures are high quality. In Single Player they are fun to gain, and play with. The force powers in Multiplayer add to the crazyness of the gameplay. Single player is well designed, and has some fun puzzles a challenge. Gameplay: Multiplayer gets skippy on the only multiplayer option, (2-player split screen). Music is generic Star Wars stuff, and so are the sound effects average. Multiplayer skipps a bit, on some levels, with too many bots, and there aren't all that many Multiplayer levels to play on, but enough to bet by. Single player is fun, some levels seem less then interesting. Overall: A good port from the PC makes this a good XBox game. Then again I guess it would be too hard to see those cool jedi flips that way. Suggestions: I've never played Jedi Academy but if you guys ever do another jedi specific game it would be cool to play 1st person style again like Chronicles of Riddick or Dark Forces. The music is great as always and sound is probably the only thing that Lucas Arts does right consistantly. I'm a huge Sci-fi fan so seeing starships and blaster fire always makes me smile. StarWars games in general never seem to impress me graphically with the exception of the Battlefront series. Graphics: Not bad but not groundbreaking either. But that stuff gets old real quick and makes you wish you could kill real live players via Xbox live and not just cheesy mindless BOTS. I found the single player campaign very frustrating and a bit lacking in some areas while the multiplayer aspects were pretty cool especially since you can play as a multitude of characters from the SW universe and dramatically lock sabers when dueling which looks cool. Soon you get pulled back into action and thusly begin your way down the road of redemption and relearning. You were once strong with the force but now your just a bitter ex-jedi. Gameplay: You play as Kyle Katarn, jaded jedi and all around moody guy. Dont get me wrong, there is a decent story here and the graphics arent half bad but unless you just gotta own every SW game out there you'd be better off just renting this game or buying it for a budget price like I did.

jedi outcast custom resolution

Well obviously this is nothing like that game meaning that KOTOR and KOTOR 2 are fun and challenging while this game is simplistic and frustrating. Overall: In anticipation of the original KOTOR release (a long time ago) I bought this game for a budget price hoping to get that ol Jedi feeling before delving into KOTOR.

Jedi outcast custom resolution